English Corner

Pelajaran 85 : Kalimat aktif dan kalimat pasif

Pelajaran ini cukup mudah, dan sering digunakan dalam percakapan, dan sebaiknya anda menguasainya dengan baik.

Kalimat aktif adalah kalimat yang Subyeknya melakukan pekerjaan :

Rudi sent an email to his friend yesterday.

Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang Subyeknya dikenai pekerjaan ;

An email was sent to his friend by Rudi yesterday.

Pada contoh di atas :

  • an email yang pada kalimat pasif adalah obyek, pada kalimat pasif menjadi subyek.
  • kata kerja sent pada kalimat aktif, kini berubah menjadi was sent 
  • kata  Rudi yang pada kalimat aktif adalah subyek, kini menjadi bentuk by phrase.
Beberapa contoh lain :
  • Aktif : The studens help me
  • Pasif : I am helped by the students
  • Aktif : The voice shocks her
  • Pasif : She is shocked by the voice
Jadi pembentukan kalimat pasif dimulai dari subyek kemudian to be + verb 2 (past participle) dilanjutkan dengan by phrase.

Ada beberapa bentuk tense yang digunakan dalam bentuk pasif :

Simple present tense
  • She is taught by the teacher
  • Donny is helped by the doctor
  • The letters are wrote by the writer
  • The hair is cut by the hairdresser
  • The homework is done by the student
Simple past tense 
  • She was taught by the teacher
  • Donny was helped by the doctor
  • The letters were wrote by the writer
  • The hair was cut by the hairdresser
  • The homework was done by the student
Present perfect tense
  • She has been taught by the teacher
  • Donny has been helped by the doctor
  • The letters have been wrote by the writer
  • The hair has been cut by the hairdresser
  • The homework has been done by the student
Future tense
  • She will be/ is going to be taught by the teacher
  • Donny will helped / is going to behelped by the doctor
  • The letters will be wrote / are going to be wrote by the writer
  • The hair will be cut / is going to be cut by the hairdresser
  • The homework will be done / is going to be done by the student
Perhatikan dan ingat bahwa dalam kalimat pasif, verb yang digunakan selalu verb 2 / past articiple. Jangan rancu dengan penggunaan verb dalam tense.