Jane is late everytime it is daylight savings time because she always forgets to put the clock forward one hour....
Firda :
Ha, Jane, you're late.
Jane :
Yeah. Each time we switch to daylight savings time, I always forget to put the clock forward an hour.
Firda :
Well, then later this year when we switch back to normal time, don't forget to set the clock back one hour.
Jane :
I just can't win! Each time we switch back to normal time, I always forget to put the clock back an hour, so I always come to work an hour early.
Firda :
So, just remember. Spring forward, fall back.
Jane :
So, that'll make it even.
Glossary :
Daylight saving times : is the practice of advancing clocks so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. Typically clocks are adjusted forward one hour near the start of spring and are adjusted backward in autumn.
English Conversation 5 : Daylight Saving Time
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